The Depths

What a great group!
We came from several different groups but came together to solve this mystery! Even another 9 year old to play with my son! How exciting the youth shared our experience 😀. 

We used absolutely no hints and figured out all clues by just using our collective experiences and wisdom. The interactive video game play was also so cool!

We made it out with only 12 minutes left on the clock! What a record!

Hint: look at his tie!

Nothing new planned yet for the Escape Game, but we still have a few to complete there!


  1. Thanks for sharing such blog. Keep always post like this blog for which all people can be aware of this. Well, I would like to share my experience which was based on Trivia Night Event& this was held by “ESCAPE FOLSOM”. Such a nice moment for me & I really enjoyed a lot there.

  2. Thank you Jason! If you are in the tristate area, you should join our group!


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