
 The 7th episode of our Escape mail series is complete.  JJ is buried and the Hunters stole the key.  Yes, the key we've been looking for since episode 3!  Holy moly, where is our treasure??  Is it even real?  Well, we've been at it this long, might as well keep working on it.  Let's see what Episode 8 brings us ...

The featured hint is in the photo:

One other escapologist joined me and she was AWESOME.  Thanks for joining me.  Being the first time with me, we took a little time getting used to the process, but the clues were solved nonetheless, and it eventually made sense.  Some of the clues were definitely not so clear, so we needed to use 3 of the hints.  Still got it done! 1 hour and 26 minutes later.

I haven't added the next episode to the calendar yet, but it will be coming up soon :)


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